Phonetics and spelling /Phonetik und Rechtschreibung
Verbs/ Verben
All Tenses /Alle Zeitformen
Present Tense/ Präsens
- The Present Tense of Regular Verbs
- Regular Verbs
- Auxiliary Verbs haben, sein and warden
- Irregular Verbs
Perfect Tense / Perfekt
- Present Perfect Tense
- Present Perfect Tense with Haben
- Present Perfect Tense with Sein
- Verbs with Prefixes in the Perfect Tense
- Past and Perfect Tenses in English and German
- Participle I and Participle II
Prast Tense / Präteritum
Pluperfect/ Plusquamperfekt
Future I & II
Modal Verbs/ Modalverben
- Modal Verbs
- Modal Verbs od Subjective Meaning
- Verbs as Modal Verbs with Infinitive and Zu
- Infinitive With and Without Zu
- Haben + Zu + Infinitive
- Sein + Zu + Infinitive
- Verb ‘brauchen’
- Wollen and möchten
Reflexive Verbs/ Reflexive Verben
Separable and Inseparable Verbs / Trennbare und Untrennbare Verben
- Separable and Inseparable Verbs
- Prefix Verbs in the Perfect Tense
- Verbs with the prefix be-
- Verbs with the prefix über-
Verbs with Prepositions/ Verben mit Präpositionen
- Verbs with Prepositions
- List of the Verbs with Preposition
- Nominative Verbs
- Genitive Verbs
- Dative Verbs
- Accusative Verbs
- Preposition bezüglich
Verb Lists
Passive Voice/ Passiv
- Active and Passive Voice in German
- Passive Voice in German
- Passive with Modal Verbs
- Which Verbs Can(not) be Used in the Passive?
- German Verb Bekommen Passive
- Von, Durch and Mit with the Passive
- Subjectless Passive Sentences
- German Verb ‘lassen’
Mood/ Modi
- Indicative
- Imperative
- Subjunctive
Article / Artikel
Nouns / Nomen
- Gender in German
- Noun Plurals
- Declension of Nouns
- Declension of Nouns – Table
- Weak Adjective Declension
- Strong Adjective Declension
- Mixed Adjective Declension
- N-Declension
- Geographical Names
- Nouns with the Prepositions
Cases/ Fälle
Objects/ Objekte
Pronouns/ Pronomen
- Pronouns in German
- Personal Pronouns (ich, du, mir, mich, dir, dich)
- Possessive Pronouns (mein, dein – meins, deins)
- Determiners and Pronouns (der, die, das, dieser, jener, solcher)
- Indefinite Pronouns (man, nichts, etwas, jemand)
- Reflexive pronouns ( mich, dich, sich, mir, dir)
- Interrogative Pronouns ( wer, was, welcher, was für ein)
- Pronoun es
- Relative Pronouns
Relative pronouns and relative closes
Relative pronouns in the nominative and accusative
Relative Pronoun in the Dative with Preposition
Relative pronouns Was Wer and Wo
Numerals/ Zahlen
Adjectives/ Adjektive
- Adjectives in German
- Adjective Declension
- Weak adjective declension/with definite article
- Mixed adjective declension/ with indefinite article
- Strong adjective declension/ without article
- Adjective in –ig, -lich, – isch
- Comparison of Adjectives
- Participles as Adjectives
- Adjectives and participles as nouns
Prepositions/ Präpositionen
- Prepositions in German
- Prepositions of time, place and manner
- Prepositions of place
- Prepositions of manner
- Prepositions of cause
- Prepositions of time
- Prepositions with the accusative
- Prepositions with the dative
- Prepositions with the accusative and the dative
- Prepositions with the genitive
Adverbs/ Adverbien
- Adverbs in German
- Adverbs for Place
- Adverbs of Time
- Adverbs of Manner
- Adverbs of Cause
- Prepositional adverbs – damit, dafür, worauf, worüber
- List of prepositional adverbs
- Hin and her
- Adverbs in -weise
Particle/ Partikeln
Conjunctions/ Konnektoren
- Conjunctions in German
- Coordinating Conjunctions / Konjunktionen
- Subordinating Conjunctions / Subjunktionen
- Two-Part Conjunctions / Zweiteilige Konjunktionen
Sintax/ Sintax
- Dass Clause
- Weil and Da Clause
- Obwohl and Trotzdem Clause
- Um … Zu and Damit Clause
- Wenn and Falls Clause
- Ohne Dass, Sodass and Als Dass Clause
- Indem, Ohne Dass and Anstatt Clause
- Temporal Clauses
- Temporal Subordinate Clauses – Table Overview
- Relative Clauses
- Indirect Questions
- Infinitive Sentences with Zu
- Infinitve Sentences um…zu, ohne…zu, anstatt…zu
- Unreal consequential and modal sentences