In this lesson, you will learn everything about the verb lassen, what functions it has in the sentence, what it can mean, and how it is conjugated. This verb requires special attention because it is used very often in German, and it creates problems for those who learn German, because its use is diverse.
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Meaning and function of the verb lassen
How to form the verb lassen
How to form the present perfect tense with lassen
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Meaning and function of the verb lassen
Verb lassen has two functions in a sentence.
So, lassen can function in a sentence as the main verb, in German this verb is called Vollverb (full verb) and then has the meaning: to stop with something, to leave.
Ich lasse das Rauchen. – I quit smoking.
Ich lasse meine Schlüssel im Auto. – I left my keys in the car.
Lass die Koffer einfach im Flur. – Leave your suitcases in the hallway!
Lass bitte noch etwas Kaffee in der Kanne! – Leave some coffee in the pot please!
2. Lassen can also act as a modal verb and then it stands with another verb in the sentence, that second verb is in the infinitive.
Here lassen has a completely different meaning: we give or order something to be done for us that we cannot or do not want to do ourselves:
For example:
Ich lasse das Fahrrad reparieren. – I have my bike fixed.
Ich repariere mein Fahrrad selbst, wenn es kaputtgeht. – I fix my own bike when it breaks.
Another meaning is to allow:
For example:
Mein Vater lässt mich oft sein Auto nehmen. – My father often allows me to borrow his car.
Sich lassen in 3rd person can be used instead of passive. Lasse sich as the substitute for passive is used when the subject denotes something that is not alive. This construction is the same as passive with modal verb können.
For example:
Das Fahrrad lässt sich reparieren.
We can also say:
Das Auto kann repariert werden.
Both sentences can be translated into English as: The bicycle can be fixed.
lass/lasst uns+ Infinitive
This construction is actually imperative, when we demand something from somebody but in a polite way.
For example:
Es ist schon spät – lasstuns doch nach Hause gehen!
Lasst uns morgen eine Radtour machen.
We can say the same with wollen + infinitive:
Es ist schon spät – wollen wir nach Hause gehen!
Wollen wir morgen eine Radtour machen!
Here you can find exercises with verb lassen: Das Verb lassen – exersices
How to form the verb lassen

How to form Present Perfect Tense with lassen
1. As main verb
Present Perfect with lassen in the function of the main verb we form with auxiliary verb haben and participle II
Perfect = haben + gelassen
Present: Ich lasse das Rauchen.
Present Perfect: Ich habe das Rauchen gelassen.
2. As modal verb
Here we form Present Perfect in a similar way as with modal verbs, with auxiliary verb haben and with two infinitives. Here is the example:
haben + Infinitive (of a main verb) + Infinitive (lassen)
Present: Ich lasse mein Fahrrad reparieren.
Present Perfect: Ich habe mein Fahrrad reparieren lassen.
Example with sich:
Present: Das Auto lässt sich gut reparieren.
Present Perfect: Das Auto hat sich gut reparieren lassen.
In spoken language participle II is often heard instead of infinitive, although not with all verbs.
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