In this lesson, you will learn all about the verbs nutzen and nützen, when which verb is used and what the difference between them is.
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Difference between nutzen and nützen
Why can you use both variants?
Use of the verb nutzen and nützen
Related words with nutzen/nützen
Difference between nutzen and nützen
There isn’t much difference in meaning between the verbs “nutzen” and “nützen.” However, there are a few key points to consider when deciding which one to use.
First, “nützen” is typically used when referring to something that is useful or convenient for achieving specific goals. In these cases, “nützen” requires a dative object. Although “nutzen” can occasionally be used in this context, it is quite rare.
For example:
Das Mittel nützt mir gar nichts. – The remedy is of no use to me.
Dein Leugnen nützt uns jetzt auch nichts mehr. – Your denial is no longer of any use to us.
Das nützt niemandem. – That’s no use to anyone.
Seine Sprachkenntnisse haben ihm sehr genützt. – His language skills were very useful to him.
On the other hand, “nutzen” is primarily employed when we want to take advantage of an existing opportunity or use something for a specific purpose to benefit ourselves. In this situation, both “nutzen” and “nützen” can be used interchangeably. However, it is more common to see “nutzen” in this context. Both verbs require an accusative object when used this way.
For example:
Sie nutzte die restliche Zeit, um sich zu entspannen. – She used the remaining time to relax.
Er nutzte den Vorteil geschickt. – He skilfully used the advantage.
Er nutzt jede freie Minute zum Training. – He uses every free minute for training.
Sie nutzt jede Gelegenheit, sich hervorzutun. – She takes every opportunity to stand out.
Why can you use both variants?
Nützen is more in use in the south of Germany, in Austria and Switzerland, while nutzen is used in most of Germany, that is the reason why nutzen is more in use.
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Why can you use both variants?
nützen 30%
nutzen 70%
Related words with nutzen/nützen
Benutzen has the same meaning as nutzen and is used relatively often. But is there a difference between nutzen and benutzen?
Nutzen is MOSTLY used for abstract things, such as time (Zeit), thoughts (Gedanken), possibilities (Möglichkeiten):
For example:
Sie nutzt jede freie Minute zum Lernen.- She uses every free minute to study.
Nutze die Zeit! – Use the time!
Er nutzte die Möglichkeit, um sein Anliegen vorzutragen. – He used the opportunity to present his concerns.
Benutzen is MORE OFTEN used with concrete things.
For example:
Er benutzt ein Handtuch zum Trocknen. – He uses a towel to dry himself.
Ich benutze das Handy nur zum Telefonieren. – I only use the mobile phone to make calls.
Besides benutzen there are other variants, such as:
abnutzen – to wear out
ausnutzen – to exploit
mitbenutzen – to share
übernutzen – to overuse
These verbs can also be used with ü – Umlaut.
nützlich – useful
nutzlos – useless
nutzbar – usable
benutzbar – usable, useable
unbenutzbar – unusable, useless
ungenutzt – unused
Nutzen – use, benefit
(Be)nutzung/(Be)nützung* – Utilisation/(use)utilisation
Nützlichkeit – Usefulness
Nutzer/ Nützer* – User/ User
Benutzer/ Benützer *– User/ User
Ausnutzung / Ausnützung*– Exploitation / Exploitation
Übernutzung – Overuse
* umlaut expressions are used mainly in southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
However, some expressions cannot be used in both variants:
For example:
Nutzfläche – Useful area
Nutzholz – Timber
Nutzanwendung – Useful application
Nutzwert – Nutzwert
nutz- here CANNOT be used as nütz-
You can interchange both variants, with the Umlaut (nützen) and without the Umlaut (nutzen), as you like, because there is basically no big difference in meaning between the two words. There is no effect on spelling or grammar if you choose to write with or without the Umlaut. However, in German, nutzen is used more often than nützen.
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