All About German Future I / Das Futur I

In this lesson, you will learn the most important information about German Future I, what is future I, how to form future I and about future I with modal verbs.

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What is Futur I in German and when is it used?
How to form Futur I in German?
Future I with modal verbs

What is Futur I in German and when is it used?

Future I indicates a future action or state, for example:
Die Besprechung wird noch lange dauern. – The meeting will continue for a long time.

Today, however, the present tense is increasingly used instead of  the future tense:
Die Besprechung dauert noch lange. –The meeting continues for a long time.

Future I is used as follows:

a) predictions: Es wird sonnig sein. (It will be sunny.)
c) promises: Ich werde dich besuchen. (I will visit you.)
c) guess: Lena wird wohl noch kommen. (Lena will probably come.)

In the case of assumptions, they often stand in the sentence wohl, vermutlich, vielleicht or wahrscheinlich, with which we express the probability that something will happen.
For example:
Ich komme vermutlich eine halbe Stunde später.I’ll probably be half an hour later.
Vielleicht kommt er noch.Maybe he’ll still be here.
Er hat wahrscheinlich verschlafen. He’s probably overslept.

d) order or prohibition: Du wirst jetzt mit uns gehen. (You will go with us now.)

The Future I is also used when talking about future plans.
For example:
Ich werde nächstes Jahr nach Barcelona fahren. – I will be going to Barcelona next year.

When we use the present tense to express the future, then an adverb for time is added to indicate that it is about the future.
For example:
Morgen gehe ich ins Kino. – Tomorrow I’m going to the cinema.
Nächste Woche fahre ich ans Meer. – Next week I’m going to the seaside.
Was machst du am Wochenende?
What are you doing at the weekend?

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How to form Future I in German?

Future I is formed from the present auxiliary verb werden and the verb in the infinitive.

Future I
Er,sie, eswirdFußball spielen.
WirwerdenUrlaub machen.
IhrwerdetDeutsch lernen.
sie/Siewerdenmorgen arbeiten.

Future I with modal verbs

If you want to use a modal verb in the future tense, then that modal verb is added to the infinitive right at the end of the sentence.

The auxiliary verb werden must be in the first person and in the second place in the sentence, and the other two verbs (main and modal) are in the infinitive and at the end of the sentence.
For example:
Ich werde mit dem Zug fahren müssen. – I will have to travel by train.

Here is the formula:

FUTUR I with the modal verb = auxiliary verb „werden“ + main verb in the infinitive  + modal verb in the infinitive

For example:
Er wird noch viel arbeiten müssen. – He will still have a lot of work to do.
Ich werde morgen um 6 Uhr aufstehen müssen. – I’ll have to get up at 6 a.m. tomorrow.
Sie wird wohl nicht mehr arbeiten können.
She probably won’t be able to work any more.

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