When learning the German language, students often find that not much attention is given to word order in sentences. The most important rule they acquire early on is the placement of the verb within the sentence. While this rule is crucial, learners often become uncertain about where to position the other words.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!1st PLACE: Typically, the SUBJECT occupies the first position in a sentence, although various types of words can also take this place, except for finite verbs. This arrangement can be considered the standard word order, but deviations are always possible. In the examples provided, phrases that are underlined indicate the subject, which consistently holds the first position.
For example:
Er heißt Niko.
Der junge Mann heißt Niko.
Der junge Mann, der gerade ein Praktikum in unserer Firma absolviert, heißt Niko.
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Grammar Contents
2nd PLACE: in the second place is the finite verb or part of the verb.
3rd PLACE: in third place are the objects.
4th PLACE: in fourth place are adverbs (in this order: TIME – MANNER – PLACE).
5th PLACE: in the fifth place are the second part of the verb, the infinitive, participle II ..

Example F: Mein Freund spielt sehr gut Gitarre.
Gitarre is an integral part of Gitarre spielen, not an object, that’s why it stands in the 5th place and not in the 3rd
See more:
TEKAMOLO – German Word Order
Conjunctions in German
Coordinating Conjunctions / Konjunktionen
Subordinating Conjunctions / Subjunktionen