In this lesson, you will learn all about verbs that require an object / complementary in the dative case. The complement (die Ergänzung) is a mandatory part of a simple sentence. The valency of the verb determines the number and form of complements. Complements in dependent cases are also called objects.
Complements can be nouns, pronouns, adjectives (and their phrases), adverbs, verbs in the infinitive, and entire dependent clauses.
If you want to know more about this, open the topic: Objects or complements in German
What is a dative object?
How can you ask a question about a dative object?
Verbs that require a dative object
Dative and Accusative Object – Word order in the sentence
What is a dative object?
A dative object, also known as an indirect object, is a sentence complement that accompanies the subject and the predicate. This type of object is not essential to the sentence, which is why it may be absent in certain cases. A dative object can consist of a noun, a pronoun, or a noun phrase, which may also include articles that accompany nouns and adjectives. To identify the dative object, you can ask the questions: “To whom?” or “To what?” (in German: “Wem?” or “Was?”).
Here is an example for an object in the dative case:
Ich danke diesem Arzt mein Leben. – I thank this doctor for my life.
Er dankt ihr für das Geschenk. –He thanks her for the gift.
How can you ask a question about a dative object?
We can identify the dative object in a sentence by asking the question “Wem?” (to whom?) or “Was?” (for what?). As previously mentioned, the dative object can be a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun.
Er dankt Lana. → Wem oder was dankt er? → Lana
He thanks Lana. → Who or what does he thank? → Lana
Er dankt seiner neuen Kollegin. Wem oder was dankt er? → Seiner neuen Kollegin.
He thanks his new colleague. Who or what does he thank? → His new colleague.
Er dankt ihr. → Wem oder was dankt er? → Ihr
He thanks her. → Who or what does he thank? → Her
The dative often appears alongside another object in the sentence, which is typically an accusative object. To differentiate between the two, we can ask specific questions.
For the dative object, we ask: – Wem? (to whom?)
For the accusative object, we ask: – Wen? (for living things) – Was? (for inanimate things)
For example: Jan schenkt seiner Mutter eine Kaffeemaschine. – Jan gives his mum a coffee machine as a gift.
Wem schenkt Jan eine Kaffeemaschine ? → seiner Mutter – Who does Jan give a coffee machine as a gift?
Was schenkt Jan seiner Mutter? → eine Kaffeemaschine – What does Jan give his mum as a present?
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Verbs that require a dative object
Some verbs need a dative object. Many verbs also require both a dative object and an accusative object at the same time.
Check the list of verbs that need a dative object.
For example:
absagen (cancel) – Für morgen muss ich dir leider absagen.
antworten (answer)– Ich antworte Ihnen heute Abend.
begegnen (meet) – Gestern bin ich einem netten Mann begegenet.
danken (thank) – Ich danke dir.
dienen ( serve) – Das dient einem guten Zweck.
drohen ( threaten) – Sie drohte ihrem Mann mit der Scheidung.
einfallen (come up with ) – Mir fällt ihre Telefonnummer nicht ein.
folgen (pratiti/slušati) – Die Schüler folgen dem Lehrer nicht.
gefallen (like) – Das alte Haus gefällt mir.
gehorchen (go along with) – Er gehorchte dem Wunschseines Vaters.
gehören (belong) – Das Buch gehört meinem Bruder.
glauben (believe) – Glaubst du mir?
gratulieren (congratulate) – Wir gratulieren euch.
helfen (help)- Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
passen (fit) – Passt Ihnen die Hose?
raten (zu / Infinitivsatz)( advise) – Ich rate dir, das nicht zu tun.
stehen (suit) – Das Kleid steht dir gut.
schmecken (taste) – Die Tomatosoßeschmeckt mir nicht.
vertrauen (trust) – Du kannst ihm blind vertrauen.
verzeihen (forgive) – Kannst du mir das verzeihen?
widersprechen (contradict)- Da muss ich Ihnen leider widersprechen.
zustimmen (agree)- In diesem Fall kann ich deiner Meinung nicht zustimmen.
Dative and accusative object – Word order in the sentence
Often, these two objects are found next to each other in a sentence. The dative object represents a living being, while the accusative object represents an inanimate thing.
For example:
- When both objects are nouns, the dative object comes before the accusative object: “Jana schenkt ihrer Mutter ein Buch.” (Jana gives a book to her mother.)
- The same order applies if we replace the noun with a pronoun. For instance, using “ihr” instead of “ihrer Mutter”: “Jana schenkt ihr ein Buch.” (Jana gives her a book.)
- However, if we also replace the accusative noun “ein Buch” with the pronoun “es”, the order changes, and the accusative object comes before the dative object: “Jana schenkt es ihr.” (Jana gives it to her.)
This demonstrates how the placement of dative and accusative objects varies based on whether they are nouns or pronouns.
See more:
Objects in German
Accusative object
Nominative Verbs
Genitive Verbs
Dative Verbs
Accusative Verbs