Effective Six Tips for Learning German

You have decided to learn GermanšŸ‘Œ, not just for the sake of learning, but to become proficient in it. Mastering German is no easy taskšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø; it requires a well-thought-out plan and a strong strategy for perseverance. You might be wondering how planning relates to effectively learning German. The truth is, having a good plan will certainly help you achieve your goals. I can offer you some useful tips on how to learn German effectively and independently. I have personally used these techniques and found them very helpful, and I also incorporate them into my teaching with my students.

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1. Define your main goal in learning German
2. Master spelling
3. Start with basic words and phrases
4. Study nouns, verbs, and adjectives regularly
5. Understanding grammar and sentence structure
6. Surround yourself with German

1. Define your main goal in learning German

It is very important to determine your main GOAL at the very beginning. Write it down so that it will MOTIVATE you on your way to your goal. It doesn’t matter whether you want to study in Germany or get a job there, speak fluently with German business partners without an interpreter, or just learn as a hobby. After that, you will quickly realize that learning the German language is not as difficult as you thought before. And with a teacher to guide you through the learning process, language learning is even easier. But let’s see what other benefits we have.
Pay attention to similar words in English, there are many of them. International words are also important because there are a lot of common international words. For example Apple (Apfel), better (besser), Delfin (Delfin), photo ( Foto), house ( Haus), radio (Radio), hotel (Hotel), bus (Bus) …

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2. Master spelling

German spelling is not very difficult. In general, German is written as it is pronounced, with each spelling having only one possible pronunciation and each pronunciation being written in only one way. There are very few exceptions to this rule. In the first lesson, you will learn a few rules on how to read vocals and consonants in German, and in each subsequent lesson, you will learn a little bit more, so it’s not too hard. Here is a table that shows how to pronounce certain sounds in German.

3. Start with basic words and phrases

To start and have your first conversation in German, you should learn a few important words and phrases, such as greetings or introductions:

  • Hallo! ( Hello! )
  • Guten Morgen!  (Good morning! )
  • Guten Tag!  (Good afternoon! )
  • Ich heiƟe …. (My name is….)
  • Mein Name istā€¦ (My name is….)
  • Wie gehtā€™s? (How are you?)
  • Dankeschƶn! (Thanks a lot)
  • Bitte (sehr)! (You are welcome/ Here we go! )

Here you have all the phrases in one place and you can print this list so that you can repeat the words every day. You can also use apps on your mobile phone to regularly learn the basics of the German language.

4.  Study nouns, verbs, and adjectives regularly

Once you understand basic German expressions, you can start a conversation with native speakers. However, if you want to continue the conversation and learn more about the person you’re talking to, you should know some commonly used German words and phrases. Try to always learn new words in context so that you can remember them easily. Also, learn idioms and slang to make it more interesting.

Once you have a grasp of basic German expressions, you can initiate a conversation with native speakers. However, to sustain the conversation and get to know the person better, it’s important to be familiar with commonly used German words and phrases. It’s advisable to learn new words in context so that they are easier to remember. Additionally, learning idioms and slang can make the conversation more engaging.

5. Understanding grammar and sentence structure

Learning grammar can be really difficult at the beginning, but if you are persistent enough, you will find interesting facts about German. German grammar is precise, and the rules are clear. Once you master these rules, there will be no problems. The word order in a sentence is always the same.

6. Surround yourself with German

You don’t have to live in Germany to have daily contact with the German language. It is very important to surround yourself with German. Here are some practical tips on how to do this:

  • Watch German movies and series. It is very important to master the skill of listening because most of you will not understand anything at first, so you need to listen to German as much as you can to get your ear used to the intonation. It’s also a great way to learn new vocabulary in context. As a beginner, watch movies with subtitles.
  • Listen to podcasts. Listening to podcasts in German is very helpful, I will list a few: https://www.easygerman.org/podcast, https://learngerman.dw.com/en/learn-german/s-9528, https://coffeebreaklanguages.com, and the most popular nowadays https://www.duolingo.com/this is a great opportunity to listen to German on the way, while waiting for the bus, while standing in line, on a break, etc. Explore the podcasts I suggested, and you can find some others, there are plenty of them on the net
  • Watch videos on YouTube. There are many useful videos for each language level that you can use to improve your skills.
  • Start with simple books, which will help you memorize basic vocabulary. Read the book aloud to improve your pronunciation. There are books adapted for each level separately.
  • Transfer the audio materials from the textbook to your phone or computer. Whether you are a beginner or at an advanced level, listen multiple times and repeat OUT LOUD.
  • Podesite nemački jezik na  računaru i mobilnom. Okružite se nemačkim tako Å”to ćete promeniti jezik na računaru i mobilnom . Ovo je odličan savet za učenje novih reči svaki dan.
  • Set the German language on your computer and mobile. This is a great tip for learning new words every day.

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