German Prepositions with the Accusative – Learn Easy Way – All in One Place/ Präpositionenmit Akkusativ

German Prepositions with the Accusative – Learn Easy Way – All in One Place/ Präpositionenmit Akkusativ

In this lesson, you will learn about German prepositions that take the accusative case, which prepositions are used with the accusative, and their applications.

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Prepositions with the accusative case
Prepositions with the accusative case – explanation
bis (to)
durch (trough)
entlang (along)
für (for)
gegen (against, to, towards)
ohne (without)
um (about, around)

wider (against)

Prepositions with the accusative 

Prepositions with the accusative are: bis (to)durch (through), entlang (along), für (for), gegen (against), ohne (without)um (around) , wider (against).

For example:

Es dauert mindestens bis nächste Woche. – It will take at least until next week.
Die Kälte dringt durch die Kleidung. – The cold seeps through your clothes.
Die ganze Straße entlang waren viele Autos geparkt. – There were many cars parked all along the street.
Ich habe für den Mantel 200 Euro gegeben. – I paid 200 euros for the coat.
Die Arbeiter protestieren gegen neuen Regeln. – The workers protest against new rules.
Ich bin ohne meinen Freund nach Amerika gereist. – I travelled to America without my boyfriend.
Die Besprechung  fängt so um 10 herum an. – The meeting starts at around 10.
Er kämpfte wider seine Feinde. – He fought against his enemies.

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Prepositions with the accusative case – explanation 

Bis (to, until)

The preposition bis is used only for places and times, which are used without an article. If bis is used together with other prepositions, such as bis an, bis auf, bis zu, bis vor, then the article is also used. In this combination, the second preposition is the one that determines the case.

Ich warte höchstens noch bis Dienstag. – I’ll wait until Tuesday at the most.
 Sie auch bis  Köln? – Are you also traveling to Cologne?
Bis Budapest fahre ich mit dem Auto, dann fliege ich mit dem Flugzeug. – I drive to Budapest by car, then I fly by plane.
bis tief in die Nacht – until late into the night
bis nächsten Montag – until next Monday

Examples with other prepositions:

Bis zum Frühling war alles wunderbar. – Until spring ….
Bis vor einem Jahr war sie noch arbeitslos. – Until a year ago …
bis ans Ende der Welt – to the end of the world
Wie weit ist es bis nach Wien? – How far is it to Vienna?
Er begleitete seine Freundin bis in die Wohnung. –
 He accompanied his girlfriend to the apartment.
Er ging bis zum Bahnhof
. – He walked to the station.
Er stand bis an die Knie im Wasser. – He was standing in water up to his knees.

Bis can also be used as a conjunction and then has no effect on the case.

Ich bleibe hier, bis der Regen aufhört. – I’ll stay here until the rain stops.
Ich warte, bis du anrufst. – I’ll wait until you call. 

Durch (trough) 

Wir fahren von Polen durch Deutschland nach Frankreich.- We are traveling from Poland through Germany to France
Erging durch die Tür. – He walked through the door.
 Kälte dringt durch die Kleidung. – The cold penetrates through the clothes.

Durch can also have a modal meaning, indicating a person who acts as a mediator or has an impact, serving as a reason or cause for something.
durch die Post schicken  – send sth. by post
durch  Lautsprecher bekanntgeben – announce through loudspeaker
durch  Argumente überzeugen  – Convince through arguments 
durch Ausdauer seinZielerreichen – Achieve your goal through perseverance

Understanding passive sentences is crucial. If the real performer of the action isn’t indicated, the preposition “von” is used to show who is performing the action.

For example:

die Häuser wurden durch Bomben zerstört.

The preposition durch can also have a temporal meaning and then always comes AFTER the noun. Then durch can appear in combination with hin (hindurch).

For example:
Er lernte den ganzen Tag durch.  He studied the whole day through./He studied all day long.
Die ganze Nacht durch konnte sie nicht schlafen. She couldn’t sleep the whole night through./She couldn’t sleep all night long.
Die ganze Woche hindurch hat er intensiv an einem Projekt gearbeitet.  He spent the whole week working intensively on a project.
Wir konnten sie durch das Fenster hindurch beobachten. – We could watch them through the window.
Wir sind gleich ganz durch den Wald hindurch. – We are right through the forest.

Entlang (along)

The preposition entlang can come before the noun OR after the noun. If entlang comes BEFORE the noun, you must put that same noun in the genitive case, and if entlang comes AFTER the noun, then the noun is in the accusative case.

Wir gingen entlang des Flusses.  We walked alongside the river.
Wir gingen den Flusses. entlang We walked alongside the river.
Entlang der Straße waren viele Wagen geparkt. – Many cars were parked along the street.
Die Straße entlang waren viele Wagen geparkt.  Many cars were parked along the street.
den Weg entlang /entlang des Weges – along the way
die Donau entlang / entlang der Donau – along the Danube

Für (for)

It indicates a goal, a purpose, a benefit.

Ich bin für Ihren Vorschlag I’m in favor of your suggestion.
Sie entschied sich für das billigere Kleid.  – She opted for the cheaper dress
Für euch ist das Spiel zu schwer. – The game is too difficult for you.
Er ist  genau der Richtige für dieses Projekt.  It’s just right for this project.

Gegen (against, to towards)

Er lehnte sich gegen den Wagen. –He leaned against the car.
Er lehnte das Bild gegen die Wand. – He leaned the picture against the wall.
Er schwimmt gegen die Strömung.  – He swims against the current. 
Ich werde gegen Abend ankommen.  – I will arrive towards evening.  
Gegen Ende der Vorstellung verließen wir den Saal.  – Towards the end of the performance we left the hall. 
Sie ist misstrauisch gegen ihn. She is suspicious of him.
Ich bin allergisch gegen Pollen. – I am allergic to pollen.

Ohne (without)

sich ohne Seife waschen  – wash yourself without soap 
Kaffee ohne Zucker trinken – Drink coffee without sugar
Übernachtung ohne Frühstück.– Overnight stay without breakfast.
ein Fahrrad ohne Räder  – a bicycle without wheels 
ohne Zögern helfen – help without hesitation

Ohne can also be used as a conjunction. Or combined with the conjunction dass: ohne dass. This conjunction also introduces an infinitive sentence. When it is used as a conjunction, ohne has no effect on the case.

Sie hat uns geholfen, ohne dass sie es wusste. – She helped us without even knowing it.
Sie hat uns geholfen, ohne es zu wissen. – She helped us without even knowing it.

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Um (around)

Um stands often in combination with herum. Umherum means that the action takes place around something or that it is about time.

um die Ecke gehen  – go around the corner 
um die Welt reisen  – travel around the world 
um einen Tisch sitzen – sit around a table
einmal um das Haus herumgehen –  walk once around the house
um Linz herum – around Linz

Der Film beginnt um 8 Uhr. – The movie starts at 8 o’clock.
Um diese Zeit war ich schon bei ihr.  – I was already with her around this time.
Es wird so um die 70 Euro kosten.  – It will cost around 70 euros.

Wider (against)

Wider is only used in constant expressions.

wider Willen – against one’s will
wider  Erwarten –against expectation
wider  jede Vernunft-
against expectation
wider die Natur – against nature

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