German On The Beach A1- Am Strand

German On The Beach A1- Am Strand

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to go to the beach in Germany? Whether you’re already learning German or thinking about starting, you’ll need some vocabulary to start a basic conversation in German. We all enjoy summer: the warm weather, tanned skin, and relaxing on the beach. If you plan to visit a beach in Germany, it’s helpful to know what to expect. In the post “German on the Beach,” you’ll learn everything you need to navigate the beach, from activities to what to wear.

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Clothes for the Beach
On the beach
Sun creams
Sunbathing/ sich sonnen
Swimming and bathing/ Schwimmen und baden
Beach activities

Clothes for the Beach

On the beach

When someone mentions the beach, the first things that come to my mind are sun, sand, and the need for sun protection. I also think about bringing a towel, an umbrella, a beach dress, a hat, and sunglasses. Another thing that comes to mind is ice cream, which I absolutely love.

Let’s start by listing these terms for level A1, along with basic phrases.

Ich gehe an den Strand. Was brauche ich?I’m going to the beach. What do I need?

Du brauchst ein Badetuch und eine Sonnenbrille. – You will need a towel and sunglasses.
Ohne Sonnencreme darfst du nicht in der Sonne liegen. – You must not lie in the sun without sun cream.
Du sollst auch einen Sonnenschirm mitnehmen. – You should also take a parasol with you.
Ja, und Badeschlappen nicht vergessen. – Yes, and don’t forget your slippers.
Du kannst mit Badenschlappen im Sand  laufen und im Meer baden. – You can walk in the sand and swim in the sea with slippers on.
Was brauchst du noch, hmmmm?
What else do you need, hmmmm?
Bring Geld mit, um Eis zu kaufen. – Bring some money to buy ice cream.

If you want to expand your vocabulary and learn how to say in German diving mask, fins,…. click on the lesson: German On the beach A2- Am Strand

Sun cream

Du musst dein Kind mit Sonnenöl einreiben.You must apply sun oil to your child.
Reibst du mir den Rücken mit Sonnencreme  ein? – Will you rub sun cream on my back?
Er muss sich das Gesicht (mit Sonnencreme) einreiben.He has to rub his face (with sun cream).
Sie cremt sich mit Körperlotion ein. – She applies body lotion.
Ich creme mir die Hände ein. – I apply cream to my hands.

Abtrocknen / dry off
Man sollte sich gut abtrocknen. – You should dry off well.

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Sunbathing/ sich sonnen

sich sonnen

Mia sonnt sich auf dem Balkon. – Mia is sunbathing on the balcony.
Wir haben uns jeden Nachmittag am Strand gesonnt. – We sunbathed on the beach every afternoon.

in der Sonne liegen

Ich will in der Sonne liegen und frische Luft atmen. – I want to lie in the sun and breathe fresh air.
Hier können schwimmen, spazieren gehen oder einfach nur in der Sonne liegen. – Here you can swim, go for a walk or simply lie in the sun.

Swimming and bathing/ Schwimmen und baden

Ich schwimme gerne.  – I like swimming. 
Sie schwimmt auf dem Rücken. – She swims on her back.
Die Kinder baden am liebsten im Meer. – The children love swimming in the sea. 
Willst du baden oder duschen? – Do you want to take a bath or shower?

Beach activities/ Aktivitäten am Strand

Was machen wir am Strand?What are we doing on the beach?
Wir können ….   lesen/ Selfie machen/….
Mi možemo … čitati/ praviti selfije/ …

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