In this lesson, we will discuss adjective endings -ig, -lich, and -isch. You will learn how adjectives with these endings are formed, how they are pronounced, and how to choose the correct ending. The biggest problem is that we often hear different pronunciations, which confuse us. You will receive an explanation here on how to recognize the different pronunciation
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The pronunciation of adjectives on -ig, -lich and -isch
Basic rules
The difference between -ig, -lich and –isch
Word separation
Dual forms with -ig, -lich and -isch
The pronunciation of adjectives on -ig, -lich and -isch
The adjective ending in -ig is pronounced differently depending on where the person comes from. Many will pronounce the adjective lustig as “lustich” with “-ich,” but in some parts of Germany, you will hear it pronounced as “lustisch” with “-ish.” The correct spelling is “lustig,” but the correct pronunciation is with “-ich.”
The adjective ending in -ig is pronounced differently depending on where the person comes from. Let’s observe the adjective lustig, how do we pronounce g in lustig:
When the adjective ends in -ig, g is pronounced like ch, so [ç]: lustig [lustıç], fleißig [flaısıç] vorsichtig [forziçtıç] salzig [zaltsıç]. Although this is the recognized standard norm, most speakers in the South pronounce -ig as [ık] in practice. In northern and central Germany, most speakers pronounce g as sh [∫].
To summarise, the adjective “lustig” is pronounced differently depending on the region.
The challenge is to know which ending is the correct one, as there are adjectives that end in all three endings.
The same grammar rules apply to these adjectives as to others, but there are a few tips to keep in mind.
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Grammar Contents
Basic rules
Adjectives ending in -ig are written with a lowercase initial letter like all other adjectives, and they can also be compared. They describe the noun in more detail and are often derived from the noun.
For example:
nervig – derived from the noun Nerv; meaning: etwas geht auf die Nerven – something is getting on your nerves.
steinig – derived from the noun Stein; meaning: Es sind viele Steine vorhanden. – There are many stones.
farbig – derived from the noun Farbe; u meaning: etwas hat eine oder mehrere Farben – something has one or more colors
The difference between -ig, -lich and -isch
The pronunciation of many adjectives ending in -ig is very similar to adjectives ending in -lich, which can make it difficult to know which is correct according to the spelling rules. Regional differences in pronunciation can complicate this further. Sometimes, the ending -isch can sound very similar as well. However, there are two helpful tricks to recognize the correct form.
First: the adjective can be compared. As a rule, when the adjective is in the comparable it is much easier to hear whether the adjective is written with -ig , -lich or -isch.
Example 1: steinig, steiniger, am steinigsten
Example 2: schrecklich, schrecklicher, am schrecklichsten
Example 3: launisch, launischer, am launischsten
Second: an adjective can be placed before a noun. You can also hear endings better if you adjust them to the noun.
Example 1: ein steiniger Weg.
Example 2: ein schrecklicher Tag.
Example 3: ein launischer Charakter
Try to pronounce out loud steinig, steiniger, am steinigsten. Have you noticed that in the comparative and superlative you cannot pronounce: steiniger (steinicher), am steinigsten (am steinichsten).
Wort separation
Pay attention to the separated words! Adjectives can also be separated. However, the ending -ig doesn’t form a separate syllable when separating words. Instead, it becomes a syllable together with the preceding consonant.
Example 1: farbig, far-big
Example 2: steinig, stei-nig
Example 3: eilig, ei-lig
The same goes for the ending: -isch.
Example 1: betrügerisch, be-trü-ge-risch
Example 2: kindisch, kin-disch
Opposite them, the suffix -lich forms a syllable.
Example 1: herbstlich, herbst-lich
Example 2: friedlich, fried-lich
Dual forms with -ig, -lich and -isch
The double forms of -ig and -lich mean different things, especially when it comes to adverbs of time.
Example 1: jährig, jährlich (Noun: Jahr)
Example 2: stündig, stündlich (Noun: Stunde)
Example 3: tägig, täglich (Noun: Tag)
Both adjectives are correct and come from the same noun, but their meaning is different. Adjectives ending in -ig express duration. Adjectives ending in -lich express timely repetition.
- jährig is combined with numbers: achtjährig (can also be like this: 8-jährig), the meaning: mehrjährig – eight-year, perennial
- jährlich is also combined with numbers: achtjährlich (can also be like this: 8-jährlich), halbjährlich – BUT the meaning: every 8 years, every half year
- jährlich – yearly, annualy (each year)
- stündig is combined with numbers: zweistündig, achtstündig – two-hour, eight-hour
- stündlich – hourly (every hour)
- tägig is combined with numbers: zweitägig, achttägig – two-day, eight-day
- täglich – daily (every day)
Dual forms in -lich and -isch
Adjectives in -lich usually express mere belonging: bäuerlich (rural), kindlich (childlike, childish), dörflich (rural).
Adjectives in -isch have a negative meaning: bäurisch (peasant), kindisch (childish, infantile), dörfisch (rural, that is, peasant).
But to every rule, there is an exception: as with the adjective ‘heimisch’, it means ‘domestic‘ and has no negative meaning, in contrast, ‘heimlich’ means ‘secret‘ in English.
launisch – launig
launisch has a negative meaning: moody
For Example:
In letzter Zeit war sie so unruhig und launisch. – She has been so restless and moody lately.
launig means: gut gelaunt, witzig, humorvoll or in English: good-humoured, witty, humorous
For example:
Er versucht, die ernste Stimmung mit einigen launigen Bemerkungen aufzuheitern. – He tries to lighten the serious mood with a few humorous remarks.
See more:
Adjectives in German
Comparison of Adjectives
Participles as Adjectives
Adjectives and participles as nouns