Genitive Verbs in German – Semple and Easy/ Verben mit Genitiv

Genitive Verbs in German – Semple and Easy/ Verben mit Genitiv

In this lesson, you will learn which verbs require a genitive and how those verbs with a genitive function in the German language

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Verbs with complement/ Object in the genitive
Verbs that require Nominative + Genitive
Verbs that require Nominative + Accusative + Genitive
Genitive in Phrases

The number of verbs that require an object in the gnitive is relatively small and continues to decrease. All of them are used mainly in official language, literature, you can also come across these verbs in news or newspaper portals.

Verbs with complement/ Object in the genitive

In everyday speech, the genitive is rarely used. It can appear as a noun, a noun group, a pronoun and as a supplementary clause.

Genitive verbs are: following
gedenken (to commemorate), sich bedienen (to help oneself), sich erbarmen (to take pity on ), bedürfen (to require), sich bemächtigen (to take possession of sth.), sich enthalten(to abstain from sth.), ermangeln(to lack), sich rühmen(to boast), sich schämen (to feel ashamed ), beschuldigen (to accuse), sich erfreuen(to rejoice), …..

See the list of genitive verbs.

Er bemächtigte sich des Geldes.- He took possession of the money.
Er enthielt sich jeden Kommentars. – He refrained from making any comments.
Er schämt sich seiner Vergangenheit. – He is ashamed of his past.

Verbs that require Nominative + Genitive

Verbs that stand in combination: Nominative + Verb + Genitive are:

sich annehmen (to accept)
sich bedienen (to help oneself)
bedürfen (to requiresth.)
sich bemächtigen (to take possession of sth.)
sich enthalten (to abstain from sth.),
sich erbarmen (to take pity on )
sich erfreuen (to rejoice)
gedenken (to commemorate sb./sth.)
sich rühmen (to boast)
sich schämen (to feel ashamed)

Both nominative and genitive can refer to either a thing or a person.
For example:
Jeder Mensch bedarf eines Freundes.
Ein solches Vorgehen bedarf einer Erklärung.

Verbs that require Nominative + Accuzative  +  Genitive

Verbs that stand in combination: Nominative + Verb  +  Accuzative  +  Genitive  are following:

anklagen (to indict/ accuse)
beschuldigen (to charge/accuse)
bezichtigen (to accuse)
entbinden (to discharge)
entheben (to relieve)
überführen ( to convict)
verdächtigen (to suspect)
berauben (to deprive)

Explore the comprehensive list of genitive verbs to enhance your understanding and use of language effectively!

The accusative always refers to a person, and the genitive to a thing.

For example:
Man klagt die Frau des Betrugs an.

Verbs belonging to this group are also often used in the passive voice.

For example:
Die Frau wurde des Betrugs angeklagt.

Verbs with the genitive case are used in written language.
There are also adjectives that, like verbs, are used with the genitive case.

For example:
Ich bin mir meines Fehlers bewusst.

Some of these verbs are often used with a preposition instead of the genitive case in modern German.
For example:
Ich erinnere mich an meine Kindheit.
Der Schüler schämt sich für seine Tat.

Genitive in Phrases

Seines Weges gehen – Going your own way
Hungers sterben – starve to death
eines natürlichen Todes sterben– die a natural death
der Hofnung leben – to live in hope
seiner Wissenschaft leben – to live his science
der Meinung sein – to be of the opinion
guter Laune sein – to be in a good mood
guter Stimmung sein – to be in good spirits

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