All About German Regular Verbs – All Tenses/ Regelmässige Verben


In this topic you will find out everything about German regular verbs also called weak verbs. How they form The Present Tense, The Past Tense and The Perfect Tense, how to form infinitive stem, what is actually infinitive stem, how to form The Simple Past Tense and how to form Participle II of regular verbs.

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Weak/regular verbs in The Present Tense
What is the Stem of a Verb?
Weak/regular verbs in the past tense
How to form Participle II of regular verbs

Weak/regular verbs in The Present Tense

Most German verbs are weak verbs and follow the same pattern in the present and the past tense; that’s why they are sometimes also called regular verbs (regelmäßige Verben).

This is the pattern for the conjugation of the verbs in the present tense. Take the ending –en or –n off the infinitive of the verb to find the stem.

For example:

infinitive = stem
spielen = spiel
wandern= wander
arbeiten = arbeit

then add the personal endings: -e,  -st,  -t,  -en,  -t,  -en   OR   -e,   –est,   –et,  -en,   –et,   -en

spielen / arbeiten

ich spiele
du spielst
er,sie,es spielt
wir spielen
ihr spielt
Sie (formal) spielen
sie spielen
I play
you play
he, she, it plays
we play
you play
you play
they play
ich arbeite
du arbeitest
er,sie,es arbeitet
wir arbeiten
ihr arbeitet
Sie (formal) arbeiten
sie arbeiten
I work
you work
he,she,it works
we work
you work
you work
they work

Note that the formal form Sie for you is exactly like the sie – they, except that it is written with a capital letter, so you don’t have to learn it.

 The endings for we – wir, they – sie and you – Sie (formal) are all the same as the infinitive ending. All you have to memorize are the verb endings for ich, du, er/sie/es and ihr.

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What is the Stem of a Verb?

The infinitive of a verb in German consists of the stem and the ending -en or -n.

Here is the example:

spielen = spiel + en
spiel – verb stem
en = ending

In many languages the verb ending changes according to who is doing the action and you have to learn the pattern of the verb. In the table below is the pattern of the German verbs spielen  (to play a game, to play an instrument) and arbeiten  (to work):

– e– e
– st est
spiel –– tarbeit –et
– en– en
– tet
– en– en

As you see in German, the endings change for each person, so you have to learn them.

In the table below you can see how to conjugate regular verbs in The Present Tense.

inf. stem:spiel-wohn-mach-

In English, we only change the ending when we are talking about
he/she or it plays,
he/she/it lieves,
he/she/it makes/does, so we don’t have to learn our verbs off by heart.

You can find out more about The Present Tense in the lesson The Present Tense of regular verbs in German.

Weak / regular verbs in The Past Tense

This is the pattern for the conjugation of the verbs in the past tense. Take the –en or –n off the infinitive of the verb to find the stem,e.g.:

infinitive= stem
spielen = spiel
wandern= wander
arbeiten = arbeit
then add the personal endings: -te,  -test,  -te,  -ten,  -tet,  -ten   or  -te,   –test,   –ete,  -ten,   –ete,   -ten


ich spielte
du spieltest
er,sie,es spielte
wir spielten
ihr spieltet
Sie (formal) spielten
sie spielten
I played
you played
he, she, it played
we played
you played
you played
they played
ich arbeitete
du arbeitest
er,sie es arbeitet
wir arbeiteten
ihr arbeitet
Sie (formal) arbeiteten
sie arbeiteten
I workd
you workd
he, she, it workd
we workd
you workd
you workd
they workd

German weak/regular verbs are similar to English regular verbs:
spielen/ spielte/ gespielt= play/played/played, 
weten/ wartete/ gewartet = wait/waited/waited
fragen/ fragte/ gefragt = ask/asked/ asked
glauben/ glaubte/ geglaubt =believe/ believed/ believed

In the table below you can see how to conjugate regular verbs in The Past Tense.

inf. stem:spiel-arbeit-



How to form the Past Participle of regular verbs?

In English, the past participle of regular verbs is formed by adding -ed to the infinitive: play → played, watch → watched, dance → danced.

In German, weak ‘regular’ verbs form their past participles in this way:
The Past participles of weak verbs start with ge- and end in -t : gespielt, gefragt, gemacht, gekauft,gewohnt

To form the past participle of a weak ‘regular’ verb you simply add ge- at the beginning and –(e)t to the end of the verb stem.

ge + spiel + (e)t

In the table below you can see how to conjugate regular verbs in The Past Participle.

inf. stem:spiel-

That is all on this topic. If you have any questions write to me, I will gladly reply to each questions.
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