All About German Prepositional Adverbs / Pronominaladverbien


In this lesson, you will learn all about German prepositional or pronominal adverbs, known in German as Pronominaladverbien. Examples of these include “daran”, “darauf”, “damit” , “dafür”, “worauf” and “worüber.” You will discover their meanings, how to use them, and when they are applicable. Mastering these adverbs will make it much easier for you to ask questions and provide answers in German.

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How are prepositional phrases formed?
Use of prepositional adverbs
Asking questions about things
Asking questions about people

How are prepositional phrases formed?

Prepositional adverbs are formed using da(r)-, wo(r)-, and hier- along with a preposition, which must be used with specific verbs.

For exmple:

sich freuen auf  – da + r + auf = darauf
sich interessieren für – da + für = dafür
sich ärgern über da + r + über = darüber
träumen von – da + von = davon

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The letter -r- in prepositional adverbs

The appearance of the letter -r- depends on whether the preposition begins with a vowel or a consonant.

If the preposition begins with a consonant, the -r- is OMITTED.

Examples with a vowel:
daran = da-r-an
darauf = da-r-auf
darüber = da-r-über
worüber = wo-r-über

Examples with a consonant:
davor = da – vor
dafür = da – für
damit = da – mit
womit = wo – mit

Examples with hier:
hieran = hier – an
hierauf = hier – auf
hiervor = hier – vor
hiermit = hier – mit

Use of prepositional adverbs

You probably already know that some verbs necessarily require a preposition. I will name a few: denken an, sich freuen auf, sich interessiern für, sich ärgern über ...

Using a prepositional adverb helps us avoid repeating words or phrases.
See how it looks in examples:

Ich interessiere mich für Politik.
The phrase “für Politik” can be replaced with a prepositional adverb.

Ich interessiere mich für Politik. = Ich interessiere mich dafür.

We can use the pronoun adverb when talking about THINGS, ideas, situations.

Interessierst du dich für Politik?  – Are you interested in politics?
interessiere ich mich nicht.  – I’m not interested in that.
Wofür interessierst du dich? What interests you? (What are you interested in?)
Ich interessiere mich für Mode. – I am interested in fashion.

But if we are talking about LIVING BEINGS, then we simply cannot apply a pronoun.

For example:

Ich erinnere mich an meine Tante. – I remember my aunt.

We cannot say: Ich erinnere mich daran.
The only thing we can do is replace Tante (aunt) with a personal pronoun:
Ich erinnere mich an sie.

Asking questions about things

A question word is built with wo(r) + a preposition.

For example:

Worüber ärgerst du dich?   – What are you angry about?
Womit fährst du in Urlaub? – What do you go on vacation with?
Wovon träumst du?
What are you dreaming about?

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Asking questions about people

When asking about persons, it is only possible to ask with the preposition + wen/wem.

An wen denkst du? – An ihn. Who are you thinking about? About him.
Über wen ärgerstu du dich? Über dich. Who are you angry at?At you.

Mit wem sprichst du? – Mit Maria. Who are you talking with?With Maria.
Von wem träumst du? – Von ihr.Who do you dream about? About her.

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