Irregular verbs in the German language are also called strong verbs, but today the term irregular has prevailed: As you can see, the seventh group is quite diverse, but the other groups are not, they are divided by the same change.
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When I learned irregular verbs in primary and secondary school, they sounded melodious to me, and I learned them like a song, so it was easy for me to learn them then, I hope this table will help you learn more easily.
ei – ie – ie ei – i – i ie – o – o i – a – u i – a – o e – a – o e – a – e i – a – e a – u – a a – ie – a au – ie – au u – ie – ie Irregular Verbs Mixed Verbs Modal Verbs
ei – ie – ie
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English ei ie ie blei ben blie b geblie ben to remain entschei den entschie d entschie den to decide schrei ben schrie b geschrie ben to write stei gen stie g gestie gen to climb trei ben trie b getrie ben to drive hei ßen hie ß gehie ßen to call, to name
ei – i – i
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English ei i i rei ten ri tt geri tten to ride schnei den schni tt geschni tten to cut
ie – o – o
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English ie o o flie gen flo g geflo gen to fly schlie ßen schlo ss geschlo ssen to close, to lock verlie ren verlo r verlo ren to lose zie hen zo g gezo gen to pull
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i – a – u
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English i a u fi nden fa nd gefu nden to find si ngen sa ng gesu ngen to sing spri ngen spra ng gespru ngen to jump tri nken tra nk getru nken to drink
i – a – o
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English i a u begi nnen bega nn bego nnen to begin gewi nnen gewa nn gewo nnen towin schwi mmen schwa m geschwo mmen to swim tri nken tra nk getru nken to drink
e – a – o
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English e a o bre chen bra ch gebro chen to break he lfen ha lf geho lfen to help ne hmen na hm geno hmen to take spre chen spra ch gespro chen to speak ste rben sta rb gesto rben to die tre ffen tra f getro ffen to meet
e – a – e
Note the infinitive and participle II. The verb stem is not changed in participle II.
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English e a e esse n a ßgege ssen to eat ge ben ga b gege ben to give le sen la s gele sen to read se hen sa h gese hen to see tre ten tra t getre ten to step
i – a – e
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English i a e si tzen sa ß gese ssen to sit li egen la g gele gen to lie
a – u – a
Note the infinitive and participle II. The verb stem is not changed in participle II.
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English a u a fa hren fu hr gefa hren to drive, to travel einla den lu d ein eingela den to invite schla gen schlu g geschla gen to strike, to beat tra gen tru g getra gen to wear wa schen wu sch gewa schen to wash
a – ie – a
Note the infinitive and participle II. The verb stem is not changed in participle II.
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English a ie a fa llen fie l gefa llen to fall ha lten hie lt geha lten to hold la ssen lie ß gela ssen to drop schla fen schlie f geschla fen to sleep
a – ie – a
Note the infinitive and participle II. The verb stem is not changed in participle II.
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English au ie au lau fen lie f gelau fen to run
a – ie – a
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English u ie ie ru fen rie f gerie fen to call (out)
a – ie – a
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English a i a fa ngen fi ng gefa ngen to catch hä ngen hi ng geha ngen to hang
Irregular Verbs
We cannot classify these verbs into any group.
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II gehen ging gegangen ići, hodati kommen kam gekommen doći sein war gewesen biti stehen stand gestanden stajati tun tat getan raditi, činiti werden wurde geworden postati
Mixed Verbs
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English bringen brachte gebracht to bring denken dachte gedacht to think haben hatte gehabt to have kennen kannte gekannt to know nennen nannte genannt to call, to name rennen rannte gerannt to run wissen wußte gewusst to know
Modal Verbs
Infinitive The Past Tense Participle II English dürfen durfte gedurft may können konnte gekonnt can mögen mochte gemocht like müssen musste gemusst must sollen sollte gesollt ought to, shoult wollen wollte gewollt want
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